2015 started with a totally fresh work, and it started in New York City. Here’s the leaflet:
“Lena Lapschina presents ‘Yes/No,’ an installation for Open Source Gallery.
In Lapschina’s work, communication is key. Lapschina is well-known for her systematic and methodical investigation into social issues through the exploration of malfunctions and opposing factors. She explores not only the outcomes of choices, but what opportunities are being missed by having to choose. ‘Yes/No’ is a spatial installation of two light objects produced from neon. Illuminated against a stark background and obscured by the particles emitted from a fog machine, two choices are clear with little in between but a limbo: ‘Yes’ and ‘No.’
Visitors are welcomed into a space where they may move freely between dualities without reaching a decision. However, while the viewer is free to choose, one may not have the choices of ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ simultaneously. On one side there is the affirmative of ‘Yes,’ but by simply turning around, it now becomes ‘No.’ In ‘Yes/No,’ opposing ideas do not clash, but still remain on opposite sides of the coin.”