Tag Archives: arlberg hospiz hotel

Am besten gefiel mir immer der Gravitationsunterricht

“Am besten gefiel mir immer der Gravitationsunterricht” is a forty meter long story on the walls of the Arlberg 1800 Resort, a deluxe hideaway in the Alps.

The guests who immerse into this mural – in English, its title would read something like “My favourite subject in school and ever since has been gravitation” – will find themselves in a world composed of gravitation-based experiences and authentic Sankt Christoph scenery.

Commissioned by Familie Werner.

Untitled (No. 407)

Murals tend to be huge, and artists like to do magnificent things. But not every patron of the arts has got these big walls. So I decided to develop murals which fit into c-suites and – even more important – into the private salon.

Today I want to share a new work which is private and public at the same time: “Untitled (No. 407)”. It’s a tape drawing commissioned by Arlberg Hospiz Hotel in Tyrol. To enjoy it for some nights, just ask for suite no. 407!

There is a mural on the very peaks of the mountains

Visitors seem to love my newest tape drawing “Sword, Dog, Mountain, Car”, which was unveiled last month at – and commissioned by – Arlberg Hospiz Hotel*****. It’s really huge: six walls, one hundred square meters, more than 600 meters of Pattex power tape. Location: A-6580 St. Anton am Arlberg, St. Christoph 1, Austria.